2 Rounds:
10 Pull Ups
20 Push Ups
30 Sit Ups
40 Squats
50 Double Unders

I had a long week at work and an especially long Friday so I made up a workout that could incorporate things I need to work on.
Deadlift - 3x5

75 pull ups
150 push ups
225 squats

Partition out the same way as you would if you were doing the Murph benchmark meaning however you want to.  I know we do a lot of these, but I really want to be able to work up to doing the full Murph in the next few weeks/months.  Added in the deadlift because I haven't done any heavy lifts in a very long time.  

WOD: (straight from littleton)
AMRAP in 15
1 Burpee
1 Box Jump (24/20″)
1 Pull Up
Progress by 2 reps each round.ie round 2 would be 3,3,3 (all movements must be unbroken)
When you fail a couple times in doing something unbroken, start over at 1,1,1 and work your way up...there is no sense in trying to get 9 pull ups in a row for the last 10 min of this workout!

- Just keep going up in reps each round using only odd numbers.  Rd 1: 1, Rd 2: 3, Rd 3: 5, Rd 4: 7
- Unbroken means unbroken...if you stop doing the movement you have to start that movement over....i.e. If you are on rd 4 (7 reps) and you do 6 burpees then take a break, you have failed and must start burpees again and do 7 reps before moving on.  I realize most of us will fail on pull ups so if/when that happens, try it a couple times, then start over at 1 instead of wasting time and not getting a good workout.

I feel like we havn't AMRAP'd in a while and this one looks deceivingly tough.
20min AMRAP
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats

After I got done with this one, some guy in the locker room said that it was a sick amount of pull ups and push ups and he was convinced I was training for the military.  Awesome.  
Modified: Just kidding about Bradley! Haha I think I would have been there for 2 hours.

"3/4 Bradley"

for time:
5 rounds
Sprint 100 meters
10 Pull-ups
Sprint 100 meters
10 Burpees
Rest 30 seconds
 -then, no rest-
2 rounds
Sprint 50 meters
5 T2B (toes to the bar)
sprint 50 meters
5 burpees
rest 30 seconds
-then, no rest-
3 rounds:
sprint 50 meters
5 strict chin ups (straight legs)
sprint 50 meters
5 burpees

Def want to start doing more benchmarks, or any named WOD for that matter, to measure our progress.  This one is perfect for a nice day.  I will be doing it on a football field and pull ups on the goalpost so i'm really looking forward to it!

For reference, "Bradley" really is:
10 rounds
Sprint 100 meters
10 Pull-ups
Sprint 100 meters
10 Burpees
Rest 30 seconds